
Termination within the Probationary Period


We recognise that occasionally a need will arise to formally terminate an employment contract for reasons other than those outlined within the Disciplinary procedures. 


Examples of situations where this procedure will be followed may include if DINN Enterprise CIC is contemplating dismissing you within your Probationary Period. 


Stage 1 
You will be advised in writing as to the reasons why we are considering terminating your employment, and be invited to attend a meeting to discuss further. The letter will notify you of your right to be accompanied to the meeting by a work colleague or trade union representative. 

Stage 2 
You will be invited to attend a meeting where your line manager will explain the reasons why DINN Enterprise CIC are considering terminating your employment. After the meeting, we will write to you confirming the outcome, and advise you of your right to appeal. 

Stage 3 
You will have the right to appeal against any decision made against you. This must be notified to the Chief executive in writing within a reasonable period stating that you wish to appeal and why. You will then be invited to attend a further meeting to discuss the appeal; again you have the right to be accompanied by a work colleague or trade union representative. 

The Chief executive will then write to you confirming the outcome of the appeal. This process will be completed within three days of the first notification. 


If your contract is terminated you will be given notice, which will commence from the date of the meeting in which the decision to terminate your contract was made. The exception is where you are dismissed for what we believe to be gross misconduct, in such cases, you will not be entitled to receive notice or pay in lieu of notice. 

If you appeal against the decision, and your appeal is unsuccessful, the notice period will still start from the date of the first meeting. You will be given the statutory minimum notice, or the notice stated in your contract of employment, whichever is greater. 

During the notice period, your normal wages will be paid. In some circumstances, we may decide that it is inappropriate for you to work out your notice period. In such circumstances, garden leave will be granted and your wage payments will continue as normal until the end of the notice period.

Last review: 30 Sept 2023