
Grievance Procedure

If you have a grievance or complaint to do with your work or the people you work with you should, wherever possible, start by talking it over with your Key Support, though if this is not possible then another Key Support within the organisation. You may be able to agree a solution informally between you.

Formal Grievance 

If you believe the matter is serious and imminent (continued presence or interaction with the subject of your concerns) then please do contact your Head of or any other Head of in the organisation  as soon as possible. If for any reason you do not wish to speak to a Head of, then please do raise your concerns formally (in writing) to the CEO or a Director. 

Where your grievance is against your Key Support or Head of and you feel unable to approach them to resolve your concerns informally, then you should speak with another Key Support and/or Head of as soon as possible.

Grievance Process 

If you have decided to pursue a formal grievance and you have submitted the details of this grievance to a Key Support and/or Head of, you will then be invited into a Grievance meeting. This meeting is designed to understand your concerns further so that we can aim to investigate your points more thoroughly with the review to resolve these as quickly as possible. 

You have the right to be accompanied at this meeting by a fellow colleague or a trade union representative. It is not our policy to allow another external person to attend these meetings with you, though in circumstances where support is required due to illness or a disability, DINN Enterprise CIC will explore the reasonableness of an external body attending the internal grievance. 

DINN Enterprise CIC also retain the right to allow an external body to investigate your grievance for you. 

You will be invited into the grievance meeting as soon as possible to avoid any further harm or disruption to yourself to those involved. 

Following the meeting, you will receive a decision in writing from the person who chaired the meeting, usually within 10 working days of the completion of the grievance meeting. 

If it is necessary to gather further information before making a decision, the person who is chairing the meeting will aim to inform you of this delay and the likely timescale change involved.


If you are unhappy with the outcome of the Grievance Investigation and wish to appeal, you should let the grievance meeting Chair know in writing within five working days after you have received the outcome of the grievance meeting. 

You will be invited to an appeal meeting, and your appeal will be heard by a more senior person that in the previous grievance meeting. You have the right to be accompanied by a colleague or trade union representative at this meeting also. 

After the appeal meeting the Appeal Manager will give you a decision in writing. This decision will be final and there will be no further right of appeal. 

Last review: 30 Sept 2023