
Conflict of Interest Policy

All employees, workers, self-employed persons and Directors (People) at DiNN Enterprise CIC will strive to avoid any conflict of interest between the interests of the organisation, which include personal (please see Personal Relationships policy under the Safeguarding section of the policy page), professional, and business interests.

The purposes of this policy is to protect the integrity of the organisation's decision-making process, to enable our stakeholders to have confidence in our integrity, and to protect the integrity and reputation of our Peoples.

Examples of conflicts of interest include:

  • A person from the Directorship, staff member, worker or a person is working for DINN on a self-employed basis also shares a professional or personal relationship with another organisation, charity, business or person that DINN has an organisational relationship with.

  • A Director is related to a member of staff. Should there be a decision to be taken on that staff member’s pay and/or other working conditions.

  • A staff member who is also on the committee of another organisation that is competing for the same funding.

  • A Director who has shares in a business that may be awarded a contract to do work or provide services for DINN.

It is the responsibility of all Directors, employees, workers and self-employed persons that provide paid work for DINN to make a full, written disclosure of interests, such as relationships, and posts held, that could potentially result in a conflict of interest. 

We ask that all external organisational relationships are disclosed to avoid any such conflict. This written disclosure will be kept on file as a record of your declaration.

A failure to disclose information to your Key Support to take the proper measures could result in a conflict of interest and may result in disciplinary action being taken against you.

Last review: 30 Sept 2023