Insights into the lived experience of Black-led impact organisations

Black-led social impact organisations operate in an environment of structural inequalities and a brand new report by Do it Now Now's initiative Centre Black explores the lived experience of management and staff at Black-led impact organisations within the UK’s voluntary sector.

Early this year, Centre Black conducted a study to explore the lived experience of management and staff at Black-led impact organisations within the UK’s voluntary sector.

The report found that Black-led impact organisations with majority Black staff and management have personal experience of the challenges and issues they are looking to resolve in their local communities. The lived experiences of Black staff and management helps establish trust and better support their local communities which is reflected in the key outcomes of these organisations. However the report also found that Black-led impact organisations have largely negative experiences with funders with little or no consideration given to their experiences or insights. Many of the Black-led organisations featured in the report believe that the involvement process is tokenistic with funders placing little value on lived experience.​


On the Importance of Lived Experience: Meet Hannah Oyewole


​Why we started Centre Black: Changing the state of research in the UK